A Poem-Nature vs Nurture

Nature vs Nurture 
-Johnsey Christina Manogaran

Oh human,
Protect the Environment
Which helps you survive and gain.
Protect the forest,
Plant trees,
Which helps you receive water and rain.

Oh human,
Admire and encourage the nature,
Avoid and discourage the artificial manufacture.
Sow the seeds that grow crops,
Throw the seeds of plastic that destroy the crops.

Oh human,
Pollution free air gives you long life,
Pollution free water gives you healthy life,
Hence, reduce the pollution,
Reduce the noise,
But, don’t forget to raise your voice 

Oh human,
Stop warming the earth,
Start farming the earth.
Spread love and avoid destruction.

Oh human,
Alas! Protect the humanity
Alas! Protect the environment
